Fundamental financial data for stocks worldwide
We offer our premium customers access to the following fundamental data:
contains fundamental data from the annual reports:
- Diluted earnings per share
- total capital
- equity
- net operating cash flow
- capital expenditure
- free cash flow
- Profit loss
- Shares outstanding
- Net sales -
contains the annual dividends (split-adjusted without special dividend) -
contains our FScore for each past trading day -
contains the price-book ratio (P / B ratio) for each past trading day -
contains the price-cash-flow ratio (P / C ratio) for each past trading day -
contains the price-earnings ratio (P / E ratio) for each past trading day -
contains the price-free-cash-flow ratio (P / FC ratio) for each past trading day -
contains the price turnover ratio (P / S ratio) for each past trading day -
contains the profitability (ROA ratio) for the financial year -
contains the equity ratio (ROE ratio) for the financial year
Determine shareuid
To query the fundamental data via our API, you need the Shareuid for the share you are looking for. You can either determine this yourself via the API, or take it from the Excel table.
IMPORTANT! The currency that is output in the API_Fundamentals results is also included here.
name = search shareuid with company name
wkn = search shareuid with WKN
isin = search shareuid with ISIN
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example calls:
Example answer:
{"shareuid":"2","isin":"US4592001014 ","wkn":"851399","currency":"USD","shortname":"IBM","name":"International Business Machines Corp.","country":"Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika","indizes":"Dow Jones Industrial Average,S&P 500","sector":"Technology","lastbalanceupdate":"2020-01-26"}
Shareuid Excel Table
Find the shareuid for your query.
Share Index from 04-04-2020 237 KB
is required for the API queries
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Exampler answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
shareuid = unique identifier for the share searched
from = Start date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
to = End date of the searched period in American notation year-month-day with leading 0
token = your Finanzoo token ( -> You need a premium account to use.
Example call:
Example answer:
Fundamental Data API access with PHP
$requesturl = ""; $ch = curl_init(); // Get cURL resource curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $requesturl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true ); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); var_dump(json_decode($response,true));
Fundamental Data RESTful API C#
using System;
using System.Net;
namespace FundamentalData
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string url = "";
string respose = GetFundamentalData(url);
public static string GetFundamentalData(string url)
string response = string.Empty;
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
// Create web client simulating IE6.
client.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; Windows NT 5.1; MSIE 6.0)";
response = client.DownloadString(url);
return response;
Questions and suggestions
Do you have any questions or suggestions about our API? Please use our contact form with the subject "API question".