Fundamental data

Fundamentals represent basic business data and information from the economic environment of a company. They are therefore always the basis of any investor who is interested in the real, internal or fair value of a company.


Financial Fundamental Data API

Our newly introduced "Fundamentals API" enables you to automatically access almost all Finanzoo share data. If you e.g. develop your own applications and need access to certain data, this is a simple and uncomplicated variant. A premium account with Finanzoo GmbH is required for use.


How Does Source Data? sources balance sheets and company reports mainly directly from financial supervisory authorities. All data is then automatically checked for quality and additionally also double checks each data set. This guarantees the highest possible data quality. Furthermore makes sure that all data used in calculations is up-to-date (EOD - last price of last trading day). This approach guarantees that all important and valuable data is of high relevance at any given time. 

Fundamental Raw Data Used for Analysis

  • Net Turnover
  • Profit Per Share
  • Operating Cashflow
  • Investments In Material Goods As Of Cashflow Statement
  • Free Cashflow
  • Equity
  • Total Capital
  • Outstanding Shares
  • Annual Profit
  • Dividend Per Share

Accounting Principals uses its own algorithm to calculate the FScore based on this fundamental data. The FScore allows to compare different companies based on their fundamental data. 

The relevant raw data stems from accounting principals of the US-GAAP and for all other countries other than the U.S. from IFRS. 

Quality of Fundamental Raw Data

All raw data is literally the most important source for all information on Consequently the selection and the quality of the data both are being treated with the highest possible accuracy and requires all data providers to follow a strict quality first approach. Therefore users benefit from the data selection and permanent quality control of all data used on 

Historic Fundamental Data

Fundamental Data is of additional high value whenever it reaches far back in history and thus investors can forecast future developments based on such data sets. This is one of the reasons why always collects data for as many past years as possible in order to increase the value of its data pool. Of course also in this case the golden rule is applied which states that only data is being used that has ben checked for its accuracy.