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51Job ADR Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection


ISIN: US3168271043 , WKN: A0DJ5H

Market price date:
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Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield %

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Description Data
Market Capitalization USD
Raw Data Source
Stock Split

Description of the company

We commenced our business in 1998. In March 2000, our founders incorporated a new holding company, now called 51job, Inc., as an exempted limited liability company in the Cayman Islands under the Cayman Islands Companies Law. Subsequently, 51job, Inc. acquired Inc., or 51net, a British Virgin Islands company, and other subsidiaries to become the holding company of our corporate group. We operate as a foreign-invested enterprise in China through our wholly owned subsidiaries, 51net, which is the registered owner of our domain name, 51net Beijing and 51net HR, which are both Cayman Islands companies, as well as our PRC subsidiaries and affiliated Chinese entities, the primary ones being:


· Qianjin Network Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., or Tech JV, which is owned by 51net, Qian Cheng and Wuhan AdCo, and holds licenses which allow it to provide online advertising, human resource related and value-added telecommunications services;


· Beijing Qian Cheng Si Jin Advertising Co., Ltd., or Qian Cheng, which is wholly owned by Run An, is our joint venture partner in Tech JV and has an equity interest in Shanghai Qianjin Advertising Co., Ltd., or AdCo;


· Beijing Run An Information Consultancy Co., Ltd., or Run An, which is jointly owned by David Weimin Jin and Tao Wang, two executive officers of our company;


· Qian Cheng Wu You Network Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., or WFOE, which is wholly owned by 51net Beijing and owns our trademarks and registered copyrights; and


· Wuhan Mei Hao Qian Cheng Advertising Co., Ltd., or Wuhan AdCo, which is wholly owned by Qian Cheng and has an equity interest in Tech JV.


Substantially all of our business and operations are conducted through Tech JV and its subsidiaries.


In May 2004, we restructured our operations to comply with then existing PRC laws and regulations governing foreign ownership in entities conducting advertising and human resource related services. For a discussion on our group structure, see “Item 4. — Information on the Company — Organizational Structure.”


In 2015, we acquired 100% of the equity interest in for RMB250.0 million, acquired 60% of the equity interest in Beijing Zhiding Youyuan Management Consulting Co., Ltd., a provider of professional assessment services, for RMB18.7 million, and made several long-term, non-controlling investments totaling RMB22.8 million in companies that provide services related to our operations and business strategy. In 2016, we made several long-term, non-controlling investments totaling RMB127.7 million (US$18.4 million), primarily in a provider of accounting and finance training courses as well as in companies that provide business process outsourcing services in China. We have utilized our existing cash resources for payments related to these acquisitions and investments in 2015 and 2016. In addition to organic growth, we expect to selectively pursue acquisitions and investments in businesses that complement our existing operations and further our strategic objectives in the future.


Our principal executive offices are located at Building 3, No. 1387, Zhang Dong Road, Shanghai 201203, People’s Republic of China. Our telephone number at this address is +86-21-6160-1888. Our registered office in the Cayman Islands is located at the offices of Maples Corporate Services Limited, PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands. Our agent for service of process in the United States is CCS Global Solutions, Inc., located at 530 Seventh Avenue, Suite 909, New York, New York 10018.

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