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Eurazeo SE Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection


ISIN: FR0000121121 , WKN: 860642

Market price date:
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Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield %

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Description Data
Market Capitalization USD
Raw Data Source
Stock Split

Description of the company

Eurazeo SE is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in growth capital, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and buyins of a private company, and investments in mid-market and listed public companies. The firm seeks to invest in medium-sized or large companies, SMEs, high growth companies, and real estate management and investment activities. It does not have any restrictions regarding the sectors in which it invests but prefers to invest in services, leisure and mobility, real estate, fintech, investment activities, distribution, industry, luxury, consumer goods, business services, consumer and retail brands, and health sectors. The firm seeks to invest in consumer brands with a focus on beauty, personal care, household care, juvenile products, apparel, wellness, accessories, home, jewelry, leisure, health, fitness, beverage, and food companies based in United States and Europe. It typically invests in companies with a differentiated concept and global growth potential. The firm identifies companies upstream, carefully selecting them primarily from sectors driven by digital transformation and focusing on changes in lifestyle and consumption (mobility, online buying, collaboration models, etc.). The firm invests in large properties in need of restructuring; residential, commercial, and office development projects; and companies with real estate assets in Western Europe. It primarily invests in United States, France, Italy, North America and other European countries. The firm typically invests between $10 million and ?800 million ($892.55 million) in companies with enterprise values of more than ?150/200 million ($163.74 million/$218.30 million) and ?5000 million ($7108.9 million). It limits each investment to less than 10 percent to 15 percent of its net asset value. The firm can also invest where its equity or quasi-equity stake is between ?175 million ($195.25 million) and ?800 million ($892.55 million). The firm prefers to make investments with transactions above $100 million as co-investments. It

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