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Kingfisher PLC Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection

Kingfisher plc

ISIN: GB0033195214 , WKN: 812861

Market price date:
Market price:  

Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield%

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Market Capitalization USD
Raw Data Source
Stock Split

Description of the company

Kingfisher plc is a home improvement company with over

1,100 stores and growing omnichannel operations across

10 countries in Europe.


Our ambition

Our ambition is to become the leading home improvement

company. To achieve this we need to o˜er a new and unique

customer experience all along the customer journey. We

believe everybody should be able to have a home they feel

good about. That is why all our colleagues must put their

passion and expertise into inspiring and supporting home

improvers – and those that help them – to be successful

whatever their home improvement project is: to build, to

rebuild, to maintain or to personalise their homes and

make them good to live in.

We will be for everybody, for all kinds of customers.

We will be for home owners and renters; for people living

in apartments and those living in houses. We will be for

people with resources and people without; for people

with knowledge and those without. And we will take

a much broader view of our market and industry.

We have a long-term strategy to reach our ambition, which

is based on:

• our customers’ reality and needs, which is the start

of everything;

• a unified and unique o˜er that provides quality and choice

at good value;

• a unique and seamless customer journey, allowing people

to improve their homes any time, any place, anywhere,

physically through our stores as well as digitally; and

• having 74,000 committed and diverse colleagues,

passionate about home improvement, open to the

world, willing to help millions of customers, and

working as ONE Kingfisher.

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