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Straumann Holding AG Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection


ISIN: CH1175448666 , WKN: A3DHHH

Market price date:
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Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield%

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Market Capitalization USD
Raw Data Source
Stock Split

Description of the company

Straumann Holding AG provides tooth replacement and orthodontic solutions worldwide. It researches, develops, manufactures, and supplies dental implant systems, biomaterials, CADCAM prosthetics, digital equipment, software, clear aligner systems, and various materials for dental applications. The company offers dental implant systems for tissue and bone level; titanium, titanium alloy, ceramic, and mini dental implant systems; and guided and non-guided surgical instruments, as well as implant-borne prosthetics. It provides biomaterials, such as bone augmentation materials, membranes, fleeces, and sponges; ceramic healing and screw retained abutments; intraoral scanning solutions; 3D printers; milling machines; and prevention products. In addition, it offers biomaterials, bone substitutes, membranes, biologics, and soft tissue management and oral healing products; digital solutions for dental labs, dentists, and centralized milling centers, as well as materials, third party systems, and guided surgery; surgical instruments comprising surgical and modular cassettes, guided instruments, implant maintenance products, bone block fixation sets, bonerings, titanium pin sets, and other cassettes; and edentulous, pro arch fixed, prosthetic, and mini implant solutions for edentulous patients. Further, it provides esthetic restorations that include ceramic implant monotypes, ceramic implants, abutments, biologics, and other solutions; and Emdogain for wound healing. Further, it offers systems Clear Correct aligners; and training and education services to its customers. The company provides its products to general dentists, specialists, and dental technicians and laboratories, as well as corporate customers, such as distributors, hospitals, universities, and dental service organizations in approximately 100 countries through a network of distribution subsidiaries and partners. Straumann Holding AG was founded in 1954 and is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.

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