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Aeon Co. Ltd. Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection


ISIN: JP3388200002 , WKN: 863094

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Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield%

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Description of the company

In June 2016, Aeon began a new Group-wide point service, WAON POINT, for cash payments. The new program is gradually merging the separate point card programs operated by each Group company. As of the end of August, the number of WAON POINT Card users had surpassed 30 million. Besides purchases at participating stores, users can accumulate points through walking and other health-promotion activities, as well as through environmental protection activities. Going forward, Aeon will further promote the use of points for donations and other social contributions activities as well as collaboration with each region of Japan, aiming to create an exceptionally social-and public-oriented common point service, which can serve as a platform for local communities.


• In June 2016, Aeon established Aeon Saveur Co., Ltd. based on an agreement with Picard Surgelés SAS (head office: Paris, France), which operates small-scale frozen food supermarkets in Europe, primarily France, to jointly pursue the full-scale launch of the “Picard” frozen-food supermarkets in Japan. Three stores were opened during the period to establish Japan’s first specialty frozen foods supermarkets, including “Picard Aoyama Kottodori Store” as the first store on November 23, 2016. Backed by the management philosophy of “delicious meals anytime, for everyone, 365 days a year,” the new chain’s delicious and attractive products—prepared using the most advanced frozen foods technologies—have elicited a positive customer response.


• In June 2016, Aeon established Bio c’Bon Japon Co., Ltd. as a joint venture with Marne & Finance Europe (head office: Brussels, Belgium), which operates small-scale organic supermarkets “Bio c’Bon” in Europe, primarily France. The venture opened its first store, Bio c’Bon Azabujuban Store, on December 9, 2016. The store features a delicatessen area with an open kitchen where customers can purchase and conveniently enjoy organic foods at the store, including ready-to-eat meals and sandwiches. Customers are responding positively to the chain’s proposals for new organic lifestyles.


• As part of its strategic shift to Asian markets, Aeon established Aeon Orange Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Aeon Orange”) in the fast-growing market of Myanmar as a joint venture with a local company, Creation Myanmar Group of Companies Limited (hereinafter “CMGC”), which manages supermarkets, specialty stores, real-estate and other businesses. In August 2016, Aeon Orange acquired 14 stores from a CMGC affiliate, Hypermart, to launch supermarket operations, and on September 30, 2016, Aeon Orange opened its first store as a new company, Aeon Orange North Okkalapa Store, in Yangon City, the Myanmar’s largest city.


• Aeon is striving to build local ecosystems based on a new framework for regional development that unites a wide range of community members, from residents to governments and corporations. As part of the program, Aeon launched a mobile sales van on November 17, 2016 in the Kotehashidai district of Hanamigawa Ward, Chiba City, to serve customers who have difficulty traveling to stores for daily shopping. The company also signed an agreement with the Chiba Kita police station to help preserve a safe and secure environment for the community in addition to shopping support.

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