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BayWa AG Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection


ISIN: DE0005194062 , WKN: 519406

Market price date:
Market price:  

Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield%

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Market Capitalization USD
Raw Data Source
Stock Split

Description of the company

BayWa Aktiengesellschaft provides wholesale, retail, logistics, and support and consultancy services in the agriculture, building materials, and energy sectors in Germany and internationally. The company operates through four segments: Agriculture, Energy, Building Materials, and the Innovation & Digitalisation development. The Agriculture segment trades in agricultural resources, such as fertilizers, crop protection, grains, seeds, and feedstuff; collects, stores, and sells harvested produce; and supplies dessert and organic pome fruits. This segment also offers a line of machinery, equipment, and facilities for agricultural; municipal vehicles, road sweeping vehicles, mobile facilities for wood shredding, and forklift trucks; forestry tractors, wood splitting and chipping machinery, forest milling cutters and mulchers, cable winches, and road and path construction machinery; and appliances, such as chainsaws, brush cutters, and protective clothing. In addition, it operates a network of workshops and mobile service vehicles to provide maintenance and repair services. The Energy segment sells heating oil, fuels, lubricants, and wood pellets to commercial and private customers; plans, manages, and constructs wind power, photovoltaic, and biomass plants; and owns wind and biogas plants, as well as trades in photovoltaic components. The Building Materials segment trades in building materials for small and mid-sized companies, tradesmen, commercial enterprises, and municipalities, as well as private developers and homeowners. This segment also acts as franchiser for DIY and garden centers. The Innovation & Digitalisation segment develops and markets digital products, such as Agrar office and NEXT Farming software solutions; and offers digital map material, analysis, and advisory services, as well as hardware components. This segment is also involved in the e-commerce activities. BayWa Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1923 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

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