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Kapsch Trafficcom AG Value Stock - Dividend - Research Selection

Kapsch trafficcom ag


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Fundamental data and company key figures of the share

Annual reports in
Key figures
Cash flow
Net operating cash flow
Capital Expenditures
Free cash flow
Balance sheet
Total Equity
Liabilities & Shareholders equity
Income statement
Net income
Eps (diluted)
Diluted shares outstanding
Net sales/revenue

Fundamental ratios calculated on:

Key figures
Cash flow
Balance sheet
Income statement
Div. Yield%

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Market Capitalization USD
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Stock Split

Description of the company

125 years ago, Johann Kapsch founded a precision mechanical workshop in Vienna for the production of telegraph phones and telephones. This laid the foundation stone for today's Kapsch Group in 1892. Despite all the turmoil and challenges of history, Kapsch regularly played a pioneering role in the development and establishment of new technologies - in radio, television and telephony as well as in mobile and train radio. Today, the Kapsch Group is a global technology group with four strong business segments:


- Intelligent mobility solutions from Kapsch TrafficCom

- Intelligent infrastructure solutions for public transport by Kapsch PublicTransportCom

- Communication systems for operators of fixed, mobile, transport and access networks of Kapsch CarrierCom

- Solutions and services in the field of information and communication technology from Kapsch BusinessCom


The name Kapsch stands for innovation, pioneering spirit and customer orientation. There has always been massive investment in research and development in order to bring new technologies to the market for the benefit of customers and users. Over 11% of total revenues were used in fiscal year 2016/17 to ensure consistent innovation and implementation of new technologies for the benefit of our customers around the world. Kapsch thus makes an important contribution to the responsible and sustainable design of a mobile and connected world.


Kapsch is one of the most successful technology companies in Austria with a global presence. The corporate group based in Vienna has around 100 branches and representative offices worldwide. In Europe, the Kapsch Group is active almost nationwide. However, important growth markets are also in Asia, Australia and America. At the end of the 2016/17 financial year, the Kapsch Group employed 6,868 people.


The Kapsch Group includes the four key companies Kapsch TrafficCom, Kapsch BusinessCom, Kapsch CarrierCom and Kapsch PublicTransportCom. With its products and solutions, Kapsch contributes to actively shaping the challenges of the present and future with intelligent mobility solutions in public and private transport, as well as digitization in a variety of application fields.


The parent company of the Group is KAPSCH-Group Beteiligungs GmbH, Vienna, which is 100% owned by DATAX HandelsgmbH. The shares in this company are held in equal parts by the Traditio Private Foundation, the ALUK Private Foundation and the Children of Elisabeth Private Foundation, three private foundations under the Austrian Private Foundation Act. Each of these private foundations is headed by its own foundation board and no person is represented on the board of more than one of the three private foundations. The beneficiaries of these private foundations are Georg Kapsch as well as members of his family (Traditio Private Foundation), Kari Kapsch as well as members of his family (ALUK-Privatstiftung) and Elisabeth Kapsch as well as members of their family (Children of Elisabeth-Privatstiftung).


In addition to the strategic corporate management, group-wide synergies and knowledge transfer, uniformly high standards in human resources and a coordinated financing strategy are ensured through KAPSCH-Group Beteiligungs GmbH and established staff units. In contrast to this, the operational agendas are managed by the respective subsidiaries and strategic decisions are coordinated with their supervisory boards.

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